(502) 276-8003

Small Business Marketing Consulting Services

In Today’s Rough & Tumble Economy, YOU Need Every Advantage WE Offer…

Do you know how most companies struggle with visibility and sales growth? What we do is help companies just like yours climb to the top of Google’s rankings while installing a system for you that generates leads, follows up with your prospects, and increases sales by as much as 2x in as little as 90 days.

Here are some eye opening and sobering statistics that illustrate how important it is for you to take action today …

  • The US Census states that only 1 in 25 businesses (4%) lives to see its 10th birthday.
  • 19 of 20 companies will never reach $1 million in annual sales. For those few who get that far, the remaining 95% won’t make it to $5 million (which means only 1 in 400 make it to $5 million).
  • Of those select companies who make it to $5 million, 98% won’t get to $10 million. In other words, you have a 1 in 20,000 chance of reaching $10 million in sales … EVER!

If you’ve achieved any of those milestones already, congratulations! You are in rarefied air for sure.

For the rest of us, there’s x2 Sales!

So You Want To Increase Sales?

Great! You’ve come to the right place because x2 Sales helps small and medium businesses, like yours, increase sales by implementing a more aligned marketing strategy that:

  • Gives you much needed awareness and reach in today’s over-crowded, “me-too” marketplace so that your uniqueness shines through like a beacon in the middle of a cold and dreary night
  • Greatly reduces cold prospecting so that you can focus on your business and what you do best to practically eliminate all the frustration that’s associated with “dialing for dollars”
  • Automates the early stages of follow up that are so critical to growing sales so that leads don’t fall through the cracks and your staff doesn’t have to scramble to manually put the pieces together to further the sales process
  • Allows you to become recognized as the go-to expert in your industry so prospects don’t “shop” you as frequently or immediately balk at price as a deal-breaking “issue”
  • Generates a steady stream of qualified prospects so you don’t lay awake at night wondering when the next qualified lead will come down the pike

All of this permits you to spend more time doing the things you want while having more money to do them with.

Strategically, We Help Your Business Install a System That:

  • Gets widespread visibility for your products and services because you already know your products and services are great … now you just need more qualified buyers to find you
  • Increases revenue by as much as 2x … it only takes small changes in key strategic areas to gain momentum and really move the needle so that you can experience the thrill and joy of a thriving, growth oriented business that helps fuel the economy
  • Improves conversion rates which decreases time to a deal by as much as 25% or sometimes more so that you can spend more time with ideal prospects instead of just “anybody” who is willing to pay for your products or services
  • Reduces the reliance on discounting as a strategy to close deals which means bigger profit margins and more take-home pay for you
  • Generates a substantially greater marketing ROI so you can eliminate unnecessary expenses in non-performing marketing and advertising initiatives

Tactically, We Help Your Business Implement:

  • Website Design & Redesign – most of today’s websites are little more than a crusty outdated brochure.  The sites we design for you are dynamic, easy to update, don’t require you to be a propeller head and encourage action.  They also generate leads and start the sales process.If you’re still waiting for someone to call you from your Yellow Pages ads, maybe it’s time to consider a website overhaul instead.  The web is where it’s at today … are you taking advantage or merely occupying wasted space online?
  • Automated Marketing Campaigns – most organizations (80%) give up after two rejections yet it takes anywhere from 7-9 exposures with a new prospect to feel comfortable buying from you.  There’s quite a gap to be filled, and automated marketing can offload a lot of the early stages of the sales process so that you can focus more of your time growing your business instead of making repeated follow up calls that lead nowhere.
  • Coaching, Development & Training Programs– have you noticed that the best athletes all have coaches?  Today’s businesses are no different.  A coach can help you see things from a different perspective, and that different perspective may be the ticket to greater profits.Training is an absolute necessity in today’s ultra-competitive environment to stay ahead of your competitors.  You simply can’t maintain consistent growth unless your employees are continually growing, too.

No Cost Download

lead machine blueprint coverDownload your copy of The Lead Machine Blueprint for Small Business

This quick guide shows you the simple 4-step formula that attracts streams of Grade-A leads on auto-pilot.

Want to know the best part? You don't even have to opt-in or share any contact information. Go ahead, click the link below and get your guide now.

10-Minute Discovery Call

schedule a discovery call to double your salesSchedule your no-cost, no-obligation, 10-minute Discovery Call to see what's possible for your business, where you are today and how to overcome the roadblocks currently in your way.

Click the button below to reserve your time slot now.


Schedule a personal 1:1 demo of the x2 Sales CRM now to see how the software can help you grow your small business rapidly.

There is no obligation and the demo will be focued on you and your business so you know whether the software is a good mutual fit.


schedule a discovery call to double your sales


Are you frustrated from being stuck running a stagnant small business with no growth in sight?

Are you struggling to attract and retain customers?

Do you want to take your business to the next level but aren't sure where to start?

If so, schedule a quick, no-cost/obligation, 10-minute Discovery Call to find out what is possible for your business, where you are right now and how to overcome the roadblocks standing in your way.

There is absolutely no selling on the call. The call is 100% focused on you and your business. Frankly, there's not enough time to sell anything in 10-minutes anyway.

x2 sales logo

2914 Boulder Ridge Dr
Jeffersonville, IN 47130
(502) 276-8003


Features & Benefits




Key Features

Automated Missed Call Text Back

Funnel Builder

Reputation Management

eMail Marketing

Automated Scheduling

Reporting Dashboard

Primary Industries

Child Care Providers

Electrical Contractors

HVAC Contractors


Real Estate




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