(502) 276-8003

Date: October 25, 2007

Episode Title: Defining Value & ROI

Guest: Michael Nick, Author of “ROI Selling” and “Why Johnny Can’t Sell”

Expressing value in your sales and marketing messages can be a huge challenge for many organizations. More often than not, our own needs and focus working IN the business vs. ON the business overwhelms us to spread messages that are self serving and not customer centric. My guest, Michael Nick, will talk about ways you can express true customer value in your messages in an objective manner to better serve your customers.

During the show, you will learn such things as:

  • Establishing measurable goals
  • Developing “why buy” calls to action
  • The 5 rules for creating effective business issue statements
  • Crafting realistic ROI metrics
  • Discovering true customer needs and attaching a value to those needs

You don’t want to miss this show! Tune in Thursday at 2 PM ET (11 AM PT) for another power packed marketing hour on “The Bauer Pauer Hauer.”