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Today, I was privy to a sneak peek at the new interface for InfusionSoft that is due to be released very soon (likely in August).  From what I saw during the webinar, I am very impressed.

For starters, they’ve really ramped up the response time within the application so that screens refresh very quickly, and data is served much faster which will make the application much easier to use. They’ve also updated the color schemes, icons, and navigation to be much more intuitive which will also improve the overall experience with the application.  Some terminology changes are coming in the next release, but they shouldn’t be anything to alarm anyone, and they all make logical sense so Infusion is obviously listening to the ICC community in addition to the user base to improve their product line.

I’m excited and look forward to utilizing the new application once it’s released. If you should have any InfusionSoft questions, I’d be more than happy to answer them.  If I can’t answer the question myself, I’ll track down someone who can.  Please feel free to e-mail me at roger.bauer [at] smbconsultinginc dot com.