(502) 276-8003

If you happened to miss the SEO & Social Media Marketing teleseminar earlier today (Tuesday, 1/13/09 @ 3 PM ET), you missed a great event and time.  Luckily, the call was recorded and a replay is available below.

If you have any questions after listening to the event, please post them below.  I plan to do another one of these later in the week to answer the remaining questions, or I may do a podcast to knock them out.

UPDATE: I did a follow up podcast to this teleseminar. I suppose you could say there are 3 follow ups except the first two were done prior to the actual teleseminar.  You can access them by clicking on the titles of the podcasts below:

SEO FAQ Podcast #1

SEO FAQ Podcast #2

SEO Teleseminar Follow Up Podcast (#3)

As always, your feedback is welcomed.