(502) 276-8003

Wes Schaeffer and I just completed another edition of our Social Media podcast series that you can listen in on below.

Among the things we discussed:

  • Political considerations for social media (including Sarah Palin and Barack O’Bama – you don’t want to miss this!!)
  • Getting involved easily
  • 3 Types of Social Media Profiles and which may be best for you
  • What’s hot today in social media
  • TwitScoop
  • TwitterLocal
  • TweetDeck
  • FREE Social Media Ninja Webinar

This podcast is a little over 40 minutes in length, and there is a lot of good unscripted stuff in here that I believe you’ll enjoy.

*** Our goal is to do one of these per day until we either run out of content or can’t fit them in due to scheduling conflicts and client obligations. ***