(502) 276-8003

Actually, that’s poor grammar.  There will be three winners for the REMO Training package for replying with their thoughts and opinions on what would make the training most beneficial.

Phil Bordeaux wins one copy for his response AND stepping up to the plate first.  It’s never easy to be the first one to speak up so I appreciate Phil’s willingness to put himself out there.  See, it pays to act quickly.  🙂

John Mazzara will be another other winner for outlining a complete package offering. His suggestion of including audio is something that didn’t receive as much consideration as it should have so I’ll work on including audio with the training package. It’s an option that may appeal to enough people to warrant the effort and extra expense.

Earlier in the year, Tego Venturi won a copy of “The SEO Bible” on one of our sister sites.  While he’s already received a copy of the eBook associated with that training (his site has soared in the rankings ever since), the video production was halted on that project in order to focus on real estate first.  That’s my mistake so he’ll receive a copy of the REMO training for being so patient. He’s in real estate so this offering is likely more relevant anyway.

Congratulations to all of the winners.  I’ll be contacting you this week to iron out the details.  I just may award another winner if someone steps up and suggests something worthwhile so don’t stop commenting or making suggestions.  🙂