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Are Search Engine Optimization Services Really Necessary?

Search engine optimization services go well beyond the one dimensional yellow page listing. The two are tantamount to having a brochure versus the printed business card to market one’s business. While the yellow page ad or business card features basic company information, search engine optimization services and brochures share a common denominator about your business: They highlight your company’s offerings in a directive marketing format. So if you are still thinking, I suggest that you give it a try and see the difference for yourself.

When market researchers compare the efficacy of the online directory to that of an Internet marketing company the latter achieves leads in a twelfth of the time (a year), it takes the a Yellow Page ad to produce results. Once upon a time, consumers referred to an oversized-bulky directory to search for businesses specific to their needs. Shopping decisions were made in a matter of moments based on listings provided in the Yellow Pages. Customer acquisitions were high.

Small Business Marketing Research Findings:

Today, our choices have quadrupled. Armed with a plethora of information and options, consumers spend between three and eight hours gathering information, comparing prices and evaluating merchant related shopping terms. A market study published by Nielsen Media showed that 88 percent of small business proprietors start their shopping using major search engines, such as Google, Yahoo and MSN.

On the contrary, the findings of these same business owners’ marketing habits were disquieting. Less than 50-percent were using search engine optimization services to promote their own company. Only 44-percent of the small businesses that were polled had a website.

Other market research studies indicate that the vast majority of consumers start their research online and complete most transactions by phone or in-person. Given these trends in consumer behavior, it is paramount for the small business to market their services on the Internet.

Among small business owners, there are innumerous misconceptions about the capabilities of search engine optimization companies. From the cost-effectiveness, to the measurable results, and the power to generate new leads and customers, Internet marketing clearly has its lists of advantages. Not to mention, for the business, advertising with the online Yellow pages, the business with a website outshines the one without.

When visitors arrive at the destination site, their actions are the most critical aspect of the small business search engine marketing strategy-transaction. Search engine marketing services are not only based on driving targeted traffic the distance. It takes eight seconds to make a favorable or unflattering online impression. The time span is the difference between motivating a visitor to learn more, attaining a new prospect, and turning away new business. To learn more about how internet marketing services can improve your business, visit our site at The Click Depot.

Integrating search engine optimization services with the small business marketing strategy affords multiple financial rewards. Primarily, most Google certified, SEM Companies warrant a return on investment (ROI). In other words, search engine optimization services done right deliver reliable and measurable returns- guaranteed. To learn more about how search engine optimization services can improve your business, contact at The Click Depot.

To learn more about how Search Engine Optimization Services can improve your business or for a complimentary consultation, contact The Click Depot at support@theclickdepot.com