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Article Marketing Strategies: Discover Top 7 Article Promotion Tips To Make Minimum 0 A Day

Article marketing strategies may vary from one article marketer to another. But there are proven ways to make 0 a day just from free article promotion. So read on to find out tip 7 tips to start making money online through article marketing just today.

Article Marketing Strategies:  Top 7 Tips To Make Minimum 0 A Day:

1.   Write Clear And Concise Content.

This is the first important step to successful article marketing. Keep your articles to the point offering fast solutions. Your readers are always in hurry and want to read concrete, necessary tips.


Give really valuable information in each your article to gain expert status in the eyes of your readers.

2.   Answer To People’s Questions In Your Articles.

Your each article should a useful guide answering to a few questions that your niche consumers’ might have in their mind. So it would be better to write articles in Q&A style. Practice shows that this type of articles convert better and you will really notice how the CTR of your resource box has increased.


Include a few questions as a subtitle in your article to have a more professional article format.

3.   Focus On Promoting Your Articles Only On A Few Top Directories.

From my own experience, I know that articles written daily should be immediately submitted without any delay. Otherwise, those high quality articles collected on your PC are useless.

I understand, it is hard to submit your articles to top 10 or 50 sites every day. So it would be smarter to publish your content only on to 3-5 article directories.


Submit your each article to top 3 directories like ezinearticles, articlesbase and goarticles.

4.    Submit Your Content To Niche Article Directories To Get Highly Targeted Traffic.

As you know, it is important to generate targeted traffic to your sites. The more targeted your traffic the more sales you will make. So certainly consider a few niche directories to publish your articles on them too. 


To find niche article submission sites just search for “your niche + article directories” in Google.

5.   Send Your Articles To Ezine Publishers.

I’ve tried this method and this works not worse than article marketing. Ezine marketing can earn you thousands of dollars literally in a few days if properly done. It is at your choice to choose free or paid ezine marketing.


Go to ezine directories and send email each publisher about your offer regarding unique content delivery to the ezine on a monthly basis. 

6.    Create A Strong Call-To-Action Resource Box.

This article marketing strategy should be also seriously taken into consideration by every article marketer. Professional article promotion cannot be imagined without a strong, intriguing resource box. Why? – Because all your success, especially the amount of sales directly depends on how better your article resource box converts.


Call to action your readers by offering them to download paid product for free or note intriguing fact or reason why they should click your site link.

7.   Create PDF Reports From Your Articles.

This is another technique to leverage your article marketing. Many gurus often use this method to benefit of their previous content again and again. So you try too. You can sell or give away these reports.


Collect a few of your best articles and compile them into a useful PDF Guide with Attractive Name.


The only secret of successful article promotion is the above-mentioned 7 article marketing strategies. So put them in action just today to become a successful marketer.

Also read:

Your Aggressive Article Marketing Plan To Earn 3 Per Day: Really Works – Proven!

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