(502) 276-8003

Guest: Barry Feig

Topic: Hot Button Marketing

Radio show number one is in the books, and I feel pretty good about how everything went. At first, I was very nervous but that quickly dissipated and the show took on much more of a telephone conversation that everyone got to listen in on. Thanks to Barry Feig for being my first guest and being very easy to talk to and informative (as he always tends to be).

On the show, Barry and I discussed his book “Hot Button Marketing” and how a marketer can tap into various combinations of the 16 hot buttons he outlines in his book. There are rational reasons people buy, and there are the real (emotional) reasons. We may rationalize something extremely well after we’ve bought it, but emotions drove us to make the purchasing decision.

The primary key to uncovering hot buttons is asking questions. That sounds very simplistic, but so many marketers miss the boat by talking about their product or service at length without learning anything helpful about the customer or prospect. Think about it—you have two ears and one mouth so you should use them in that proportion. Barry and I shared a chuckle about that.

People want status and belonging frequently when they purchase something, and Barry touched upon some ways to tap into those particular emotions when marketing a product or service.

We also talked about sex of all things on air. Sex is one of the “hottest” hot buttons, and just about any marketer can tap into that to improve their results. Whether you use the allure of possibility or blatantly utilize a very attractive person to peddle your wares, sex sells!

During the last segment we talked about Barry’s Hot Button Marketing training program. In fact, we may partner to teach this via seminars, boot-camps, and webinars as time progresses. To learn more about the program, you can visit http://barryfeig.com or e-mail Barry directly at feig@barryfeig.com.

Thanks again to Barry Feig for joining me on the air for my first show. If you’d like to listen to the podcast for the show, here’s a link: Bauer Pauer Hauer Show #1: Hot Button Marketing.

Please join me October 11, 2007 @ 2PM ET when Marcia Yudkin will talk about her book “6 Steps to Free Publicity” and learn how you can attract valuable publicity to improve your marketing reach.