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One of the most popular and cost effective strategy of internet marketing is direct email marketing. With instant feedback from your customers, you are able to frequently monitor your web site’s performance too. If you are into an online business, then your quest for newer forms of internet marketing or advertising grows.

Direct email marketing outsmarts the traditional forms of advertising like the printed newsletter, brochure and pamphlets. It’s simple yet effective form of Internet marketing, reaches out to bulk at the same time.

Use direct marketing post or presale. Utilize this form of Internet marketing to promote products, provide news, and to send confirmations and thank-you notes. If you don’t have time to send the emails yourself, you may choose to use email auto responders. Email auto responders are triggered when an email is sent to you. If you are unavailable, email auto responders can contact the customer for you, providing order confirmations, etc.

Every time you correspond with your clients, prospects, vendors and other key audiences by email, include a convenient way for them to opt-in to your list, giving you their permission to market to them more regularly.

Things you need to follow while you send out a mail for your business or marketing purpose:

A professional signature along with your email: This is a must as it offers a professional look to your email. Include a professional signature at the bottom of your business email, do not forget that, as it’s a vital part of direct email marketing. It usually includes your name, business name, and full web address.

Need to search an affiliate: A signature buddy acts as an affiliate to your internet business. He/she can help you step up your Internet marketing campaign and allow you to reach more customers. Ask someone to include your web address below their own signature every time they send an email. And have a reciprocal link of their web address below your signature too.

E-Newsletter – this should be your next Internet marketing strategy, it is an effective form of email marketing and can be used to promote your products or services.

Send coupons: send complimentary coupons to your customers once in a while.

After sale service: This would be a thank you note, set it in your auto responder, which is a polite way of thanking them after the sale. Read extensively before you venture out your marketing skills.

Kirthy Shetty, expert author, Platinum status

Guide to Direct Email Marketing Services:
Direct Email Marketing Services

For more information on direct response personalization:

Please visit http://personalizationprecept.com to register to download our complementary special report entitled “The Personalization Precept” that is jam packed with personalization tips and statistics to help you improve your marketing ROI.