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Web 3.0Most of the top social media sites have been busy in the last few months making adjustments and (arguable) improvements to their algorithms, site designs, and features.  It seems that there is a new race to offer their users incentive to stay, be active, and (hopefully) grow.

Most traffic indicators are showing that many social media sites are slowing down a bit after a peak during the heat of the election.  This can be expected as there were users who joined and became active simply to promote their candidate’s campaigns, but the trends are still a little disconcerting.  Mixx.com is the only one of the “big 10″ social media sites that seems to consistently be on the rise.  This can be attributed to smart marketing and a fluid interface that, while far from perfect, seems to be coming out with new features to keep its active users happy and new users interested. (more…)