(502) 276-8003

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When you’re ready to spruce up your web presence or launch a new site, you have come to the right place. Our cost effective web design packages fit any budget and can be customized to fit your needs better.

Compare packages below then select one today to get started on the website of your dreams:

Web Design Comparison Basic Pro Platinum
Base Number of Pages 1-10 11-20 21-35
Custom Navigation
Custom Slider Images 3 5 7
Custom Header Images 2 4 6
Custom Banners (side bar) 1 2 3
Set of Advertising Banners
(Standard Sizes)
Bonus Set of Advertising Banners
(Standard Sizes)
30 Second Promotional Video
(Submitted to 12+ Sharing Sites)
2/mo 4/mo
(Submitted to 15+ directories)
1/mo 2/mo
(Submitted to 3+ sharing sites)
1/mo 2/mo
Google Places Submission
($500 Value)
100+ Directory Submissions
($500 Value)
3 Months of SEO
($4,500 Value)
1 Keyword 3 Keywords 5 Keywords
Total Value of Package $10,000 $15,000 $20,000
Investment (3 Monthly Installments) $997/monthSignup Now $1,497/monthSignup Now $1,997/monthSignup Now
Your Total Savings *** $7,009 ***
*** $10,509 ***
*** $14,009 ***