(502) 276-8003

The past few days, I have been working around the clock on a report that I believe will be well received by the marketing community.  I hope to have it completed by the close of business this Friday, and I will be sending out advanced copies to those folks in my “following” to gain valuable feedback before releasing it to the public.

The report focuses on direct response marketing and personalization.  It encompasses e-mail, direct mail, personalized URLs (PURLs). and special offers.  It is extremely heavy on statistics, graphs, and charts, but it’s not a statistical encyclopedia or anything. I’m 26 pages in, and it’s all “meat.”  No fluff or hype!

I’m hopeful that you’ll help me spread the word about the report once it’s released to the public, but I wanted to update the blog as to my whereabouts lately because some have jiggled my e-mail inbox wondering what’s up.

Oh, I have also cooked up a website specifically for the report at http://PersonalizedResponse.com.  If you visit there and register, please know that nothing will happen until the report is finalized.  You’ll be entered into the database so you’ll be one of the few to receive an advanced copy of the report before it is released to the public.