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Today, my good buddy Wes is at Disneyland celebrating one of his daughter’s birthdays so I’m flying solo on today’s social media podcast.  Hopefully, you’ll enjoy what I’m ranting about in spite of Wes’ absence.

Among the social media topics:

  • Twitter Strategy
  • 5 Pillars of a Social Media Campaign
  • Oglivy Blogs – some really good stuff there
  • 10 Do’s of Twitter
  • 5 Don’ts of Twitter (it may be more than this cause I added in a few at the end)
  • YouTube Strategy
  • SocialMediaExaminer.com
  • SocialMediaExplorer.com (gotta get a plug in for my boy Jason Falls since he’s a fellow Louisvillian)
  • Personal rants about Steve Kragthorpe and how he desperately needs to be fired yesterday

There’s some more in here, but you’ll just have to listen in to get the goods. Remember to share your feedback when you’re done listening.

When you’re ready to watch the webinar replay from the other day, visit http://MarketingVirtualSeminar.com and register right away. Tidbits of good stuff in there that gets repeated during today’s podcast, but the webinar has a LOT more so don’t miss out on that.