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A solo edition of Southern Social Media today due to scheduling conflicts.  Wes isn’t going to be happy, but sometimes ya just gotta take the bull by the horns, ya know?

Today, I focused purely on a recent Omniture report that discussed the “Value of Social Media.” Among the sections covered:

  • Where people get information about your products
  • Most effective social media strategies
  • Most effective social media tactics
  • Most accurately measured social media tactics
  • Net budget spending . . . interesting results to mull over here
  • Who is using social media
  • Social media is most complimentary to . . .
  • Biggest hurdles for implementing social media marketing
  • Interesting stats on B2B vs. B2C use of social media
  • Key takeaways

Yes, I packed this podcast with a LOT of goodies and food for thought. That’s what happens when you turn me loose to just roll with it.  🙂 I hope you enjoy it, and remember to share your feedback below.