(502) 276-8003

How to Get More Website Visitors

If you’ve read much about Zing and some of the work we do, it goes without saying that we’re a marketing firm.  What we’re going to touch upon today is three of the better ways to increase website visitors.  Two of them are ways that you can begin...

11/29 Radio Show Preview: Rand Fishkin

This Thursday, Rand Fishkin, CEO of SEOmoz.org, will be my guest on the Bauer Pauer Hauer. As most of you already know, search engine optimization is one of the hottest marketing techniques out there today. Whereas old school advertising and interruptive marketing...

Maximizing Success–Day 1 Report

Thanks to Debbie Allen’s “shameless promotion” on my radio show last Thursday, I’ve had the privilege to attend her “Maximizing Success” seminar in Sedona, Arizona this weekend. The seminar runs three days (Friday-Sunday, November...