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Website Traffic Series Part 20: Leveraging Holidays and Big Events

In Social Media What Do YOU Want Next?

Most of the top social media sites have been busy in the last few months making adjustments and (arguable) improvements to their algorithms, site designs, and features.  It seems that there is a new race to offer their users incentive to stay, be active, and...

Best Posts Summary WordPress Plugin

Long time reader Aseem Kishore has recently released his first WordPress plugin, and it is an interesting one. As you probably know I recommend people to write monthly roundups on their blogs, including the most popular posts of the previous month. This technique is...
Website Traffic Series Part 20: Leveraging Holidays and Big Events

Election’s Over. It’s Picture Time Again on Digg

Now that the election and post-election elation is over, it’s time for Digg to go back to basics. Very basic. Yes, now that McCain/Palin bashing is over and the Obama love-fest is waning, Digg will rapidly return to its primary reason for existence: funny...