by | Friday | Marketing, personalization precept
If you have been around Direct Marketing or Internet Marketing for any time at all you have probably already heard how personalizing your sales message can increase your response rates and conversion rates. One simple way to personalize your sales message is to use...
by | Thursday | Internet, Marketing, personalization precept
One of the most popular and cost effective strategy of internet marketing is direct email marketing. With instant feedback from your customers, you are able to frequently monitor your web site’s performance too. If you are into an online business, then your...
by | Wednesday | how-to, Video
I thought I’d toss together a quick video on using Summize as a research tool as it came in handy when compiling the Personalization Precept. I hope you enjoy the video and share your comments once you’ve scoped it out.
by | Tuesday | Marketing, personalization precept
When you have signed up as an online affiliate with a merchant, you know that your next action is to start promoting the affiliate product. The promotion campaign is done by driving traffic to your affiliate web page. When you have worked hard to drive traffic to your...
by | Monday | Marketing, personalization precept
Seven in ten consumers want you to personalize the direct mail you send them. Are you giving them what they want? According to Cap Ventures’ 2003 study of personalization, more than 69% of consumers prefer highly personalized direct mail offers over non-personalized...