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5 Tips for Warming up a Cold Call

By Roger Bauer Whether you’re new to sales or a grizzled veteran, the thought of making a true cold call is unlikely to be on your favorites list. Luckily, there are simple ways to warm up a call that don’t require major changes to your approach. Let’s take a peek at...

My recent hiatus–a serious explanation

For those of you that have been checking in on our blog on a regular basis wondering where all the content disappeared to, I apologize for not posting more of late. I have been facing some serious life crises of sorts, and I’m frankly drained and burned out from...
Twitter Growing Pains?

Twitter Growing Pains?

One of my current favorite social media sites is Twitter although I’ll be the first to admit that I didn’t get the service at all when I first attempted to utilize it. That quickly changed once I established some contacts and began “tweeting”...

7 Twitter Business Applications

Frequently, when I meet with business decision makers I hear things like “social media just seems like a bunch of 20 somethings wasting time talking about nonsense” or “I just don’t see any business value in Twitter.” That got me to...