(502) 276-8003

Entrepreneur's Guide to Social Media

David at Business Pundit has created a great overview resource about Social Media and how to go about using it for entrepreneurs. Visit “The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Social Media” to learn more. He also references “The Basics of Social...

How to Get More Website Visitors

If you’ve read much about Zing and some of the work we do, it goes without saying that we’re a marketing firm.  What we’re going to touch upon today is three of the better ways to increase website visitors.  Two of them are ways that you can begin...

SEO Pricing Comparison Guide Update

The SEO Pricing Comparison Guide produced yesterday has already been updated as there has been quite a bit of demand for it already.  The guide now reviews pricing for 50 of the top SEO firms across the globe and has pointers for selecting an SEO partner along with an...

SEO Pricing Comparison Guide

I just finished creating an SEO Pricing Comparison Guide that should help any business looking to improve their search engine rankings get a better feel for what the more reputable firms charge for SEO services. The guide currently contains 35 of the world’s...