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Why I Hate Entrepreneurs

<rant> I’m about to ruffle some feathers including my own because I’m guilty as charged … there I admitted it before the rant even begins. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I hate entrepreneurs! Why, you ask? Because WE are a pigheaded & illogical bunch of thinkers and...

SPAM Rant for 12-12-09

I vowed yesterday to talk a little more about the SPAM issues of late including what all happened with Infusionsoft. I just got done creating a podcast that talks about everything in a lot more detail and shares, what is likely, a little different perspective on what...

I deserve to get paid, too!!!

This post has been a long time coming, and part of it is my own damn fault. More on that in just a second. For full disclaimer purposes: stop reading this post if you believe you should not pay for someone else’s hard earned knowledge or skills or that...