(502) 276-8003

Host Unlimited Domains for $0.01

I usually don’t pass along promotions, but this one is a dandy! I’ve been a customer of this company for a few months now and can’t complain so I don’t feel guilty about promoting them. Visit: http://bit.ly/6ix23 and enter the coupon code...

10 Transcription Services to Consider

Since everyone has their preferred communication method, a handy list of transcription services may help those that prefer to create audio or video records of their thoughts, musings, and knowledge to be transcribed into textual media.  Here is a list of transcription...

Leveraging Facebook for Your Business

While Facebook is admittedly not one of my favorite social media sites, there are ways to utilize it that will benefit you professionally. In the video below, I take a stab at giving a broad overview of Facebook and how you can leverage it from a business perspective....

7 Twitter Business Applications

Frequently, when I meet with business decision makers I hear things like “social media just seems like a bunch of 20 somethings wasting time talking about nonsense” or “I just don’t see any business value in Twitter.” That got me to...