by | Thursday | Internet, Marketing, Sales, Social Media, Tips
For those of you that either don’t care to watch the video or don’t have the time, here are the presentation slides from that which (I hope) are somewhat self explanatory. If they are not, please comment below and let me know. 10 Ways to Increase Revenue...
by | Wednesday | Internet, Presentations, Sales, Social Media, Tips
Recently, Zing Sales Solutions gave an overview presentation on social media for businesses here in Louisville and how social media can be leveraged to increase awareness and (ultimately) sales. I (Roger) recreated that presentation to share with the on-line universe...
by | Thursday | Radio Show, Sales / Marketing
Increasing sales is a goal of just about every single company out there today but far too many don’t know how to grow their sales effectively.My guest 10/18/07, Michael Boylan, author of “Accelerants” and “The Power to Get In,” will share ways...