by | Thursday | Business Opinion, Internet, Marketing, Real Estate
Yesterday, I sent many of you a link to a brief real estate marketing survey. I’ve gotten some responses, and there is a consensus on a few items. The most “alarming” is that no one who responded is happy with what they’re getting out of their...
by | Monday | Review, SEO Training, Video
I recently emailed and blogged about “Stomping the Search Engines 2” from StomperNet, and I wanted to follow up with a quick video about it. I finally received my copy!!! 🙂 Anyway, here’s my first take on the package. Have you registered for yours...
by | Monday | Company News, Events, Marketing, Sales
We are considering hosting a weekly sales & marketing development webinar aimed at small businesses interested in growing their businesses rapidly. The course would last 8-12 weeks depending upon content and feedback. Two questions: Would this be of interest to...
by | Monday | Radio Show, Sales / Marketing
Guest: Barry Feig Topic: Hot Button Marketing Radio show number one is in the books, and I feel pretty good about how everything went. At first, I was very nervous but that quickly dissipated and the show took on much more of a telephone conversation that everyone got...