by | Monday | Review, SEO Training, Video
I recently emailed and blogged about “Stomping the Search Engines 2” from StomperNet, and I wanted to follow up with a quick video about it. I finally received my copy!!! 🙂 Anyway, here’s my first take on the package. Have you registered for yours...
by | Wednesday | how-to, Video
I thought I’d toss together a quick video on using Summize as a research tool as it came in handy when compiling the Personalization Precept. I hope you enjoy the video and share your comments once you’ve scoped it out.
by | Tuesday | Business, Guide, Social Media, Tips
While Facebook is admittedly not one of my favorite social media sites, there are ways to utilize it that will benefit you professionally. In the video below, I take a stab at giving a broad overview of Facebook and how you can leverage it from a business perspective....
by | Thursday | Business, Presentations, Sales
In the video below, I outline a fictitious technology company that generated $62.5 million in 2007. The company is experiencing some growth pains however, and I have outlined five potential solutions to help them address their revenue growth obstacles. Take a peek at...