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Be More Productive with the 80/20 Rule

Be More Productive with the 80/20 Rule

This is the feature article in this week’s RealtyBiz Agent Success Newsletter. I’m headed to the Priorat region of Spain for a week on Friday. Of course, I still have a million things on my to-do list and a million more on would-like-to-do list. As I added...
Be More Productive with the 80/20 Rule

How to Create a Successful Real Estate Website

This is the feature article in this week’s RealtyBiz Agent Success Newsletter. Have you ever wondered why only a handful of real estate sites generate tons of leads while the vast majority of sites hardly ever do? The secret to their success isn’t rocket...
Be More Productive with the 80/20 Rule

International Last Minute Travel On A Budget

I’m traveling to Northern Spain (Priorat) for a week in wine country the last week in May. The trip was somewhat of a last minute decision – I had wanted to go as part of a tour (through The Wine School of Philadelphia, which I cannot recommend highly...
Be More Productive with the 80/20 Rule

A Marketing Plan Guide For Real Estate Agents

A couple of things – New Site Design – I’ve completely revamped the RealtyBizCoach.com design and moved the blog off the front page. It’s now at http://www.realtybizcoach.com/blog/. I think everything is working, but if you notice any bugs...
Be More Productive with the 80/20 Rule

Do Links Even Matter Anymore?

Links are like a healthy addiction. And if you are to survive in the online marketplace you need lots and lots of links. Injecting Links! But links are like the U.S. Dollar (especially lately!). The Treasury keeps printing dollars and what happens to the value of the...
Be More Productive with the 80/20 Rule

Why SEO is Dead

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or Off Page Equity? Huh? Have you ever thought about what that means? Going back to its roots, SEO meant to optimize a page so an engine like Alta Vista would like it and rank it higher than the next guy or gal. Words like density,...